F2F CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews)
- Dedicated notebooks / tablets
- SSI Sawtooth Software™, a leader in computer-interviewing, allowing ISRA to be highly efficient in CAPI & CAWI
- Field teams strategically located in key Romanian cities, ready to conduct nationally representative studies

- Long-term partnership with panel providers and in-house dedicated team for data quality supervision.
- We can reach > 200 localities in Romania in a matter of hours, as more than 7 in 10 Romanians have access to a mobile or desktop device with Internet connection.
- Panel respondents are urban residents with higher-than-average education, who are more digitally savvy and younger than the general population. By using quota and weighting procedures, we can reasonably control for such biases.

Our modular Central Location room is suitable for various types of product testing:
- Accommodating up to 8 tables at a time
- Dedicated and highly experienced field supervisors
- Separate area for product preparation
- Storage space

CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews)
- Highly experienced team, suited for targeting any respondent profile.